Sunday, December 7, 2008

Shady People Doing Shady Things

So I watched a pretty good movie this weekend. "Smart People" stars Dennis Quaid, Ellen Page, Thomas Hayden Church and Sarah Jessica Parker. I find Parker to be annoying, but in this film she played a role that is unlike most of her previous rolls. She didn't annoy me at all in this film. That's good- because you don't want to annoy me. Bad things friend. Bad things.

One of the things that I really liked about this movie was the fact that it was really just a moment in time during these character's lives. There was very little back story on the characters, and nothing was really resolved in the end. I dig those kind of movies. I freakin' hate it when everything is wrapped up nicely during the final 10 minutes, or when the good guy wins in the end. I like it when the good guy dies or the movie just abruptly ends while everything is still all screwed up. Like I said- don't cross me friend. I'm mean.

I love my dog- he's the coolest. That's what his medal says- "coolest dog". Not really- but it could- cause he's cool.

One thing that I love about city parks is walking by all the parked cars with people in them and wondering what they're up to. This morning I walked by a guy in his car who was eating fast food. He had wrappers up on the dash while he wolfed this crap down. His face was glowing as he kept looking around. He had on a uniform shirt of some kind. He was obviously headed to work. You gotta wonder if his wife won't let him eat that crap or if he's supposed to be on a diet; and that's why he can't eat it at work either. I have walked by cars where one person gets in another car and they're making out. Hmmm.....

Also- you've got these people who drive to the park to take care of their business that they don't want anyone to see; and they're right next to kids going to football practice and homeless people, and me walking my dog. All different classes of people side by side. That's the reason I so love the DMV. Doesn't matter who you are, you gotta go the DMV and wait like everyone else. I mean- If Warren Buffet wants a drivers license, Warren Buffet's gonna be sitting next to that same trashy toothless dude that you are. Of course- these social phenomenons only occur inside large cities. That's another reason that I like living in the city.

People in America seem to think that we have a very multicultural society. You know- the melting pot and all that crap. Bologne. Go to a big city in Canada sometime. That's multicultural. The big cities in Mexico have all sorts of people from all over the dag blamed globe. The history of Mexico is full of people migrating there. Whatever- I just wish that people in this country would stop thinking so highly of their "tolerance". Ethnic groups in this country still tend to gather in neighborhoods populated by their own kind. I know that's human nature, but it's less the case in some other places.

Got myself a new pair of Dickies yesterday. The old workpants were wearing holes. These Dickies oughta take care of that concern. I love the little proud moments in the life of a blue collar working man. I'm not joking. These are my people- this is who I am. I will never work another desk job in my life. Take that shit to the bank. And get me some money while you're there. Blue collar has it's downsides.

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